
Mt. Pleasant Conference Training Slides - Communication Style
Final Training Slides - Communication.pd[...]
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Assistant Director: The City of Manistee Housing Commission (CMHC) is seeking a highly motivated individual that will be responsible for assisting in all aspects of the general operations of the Housing Commission.  Experience in property management, affordable housing and/or LITHC management is highly desirable.  Applicants should have three years of post high school education majoring in office management, accounting or a related field. 


This is a regular full-time position including a benefit package with an anticipated staring salary range of $50,000 to $60,000 dependent upon qualifications.  Interested applicants are required to send a cover letter, resume and 3 employment related references to:  Executive Director, City of Manistee Housing Commission, 273 6th Avenue, Manistee, MI, 49660.    


For more information or detailed position description, please contact the CMHC at 231-723-6201, or email  This position is open until it is filled. The CMHC is an equal opportunity employer.



Conferences are held twice times a year at various locations throughout our great state.

 In an effort to maintain our original mission.

Roundtable Discussions are held at every conference.

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